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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Packing Time...

The time has come.  I have to pack.  Dreaded packing.  Why am I so bad at it?  Why do I leave it until the last minute?  Why can't someone pack for me?  Why am I procrastinating right now?  Wish me luck!


  1. Oh, boy...

    I will get you an assistant. Maybe somebody from Green Bay...

  2. ...hmmm packing procrastination? perhaps it's caused by the fear of forgetting something...
    but as long as you don't forget to have a fantastic time, you'll be fine!

    Thanks for taking us followers along with you in your virtual suitcase,
    From your wannabe travel assistant ;)

  3. Daniel - what happened to my packing assistant? I could have used anybody! Actually, I still could! Still packing! :(

    Tracy - a travel assistant would be great fun too!
